About Me

I’m Drew Thomson and an Academic Deputy Head and Physics Teacher at St Albans High School for Girls in Hertfordshire, leading the academic focus (which consists of wearing many hats) of a truly wonderful school. I was previously Head of Science for six years.

I am passionate about teaching and providing students with the sort of environment in which they can love learning, they can be challenged and they are confident in taking intellectual risks. I am a believer in empowering middle leaders, placing trust in their vision and abilities and providing the structures that ensure they are well trained and confident.

Similarly, teachers should be afforded trust and autonomy. We are all trained professionals, after all. It is important to recognise that educational research can provide us with many useful ideas to improve our teaching, but that teaching is incredibly complex. Whilst it is becoming clear that humans learn in quite specific ways, there are many factors that make learning a challenge for many. I have a keen interest in leadership, cognitive science and science education.
If you do want to get in contact, please feel free to use either of the following:

Twitter: mrthomson

E-mail: dthomson01@gmail.com