Assuring Quality

In many schools, scrutiny has become a term that everyone is now very familiar with. This will often take the form of looking through student books, wandering through lessons, reviewing lesson planning, and carrying out student surveys. These are applied in a variety of different ways and usually carried out by the Senior Leadership Team or a Head […]

Recruiting for shortage subjects – new kid on the block?

I recently had a great conversation with Chris Rose from Future Teaching Scholars, an initiative from the Department for Education that’s being run by the Education Development Trust. They are doing something new and exciting with recruiting Physics and Maths teachers: part-funding students through their undergraduate Physics- or Maths-related degrees, with efforts to have these […]

My Staffrm Highlights – Student Feedback, Teacher Responsibility, Homework and Scrabble

Having two blogs is a bit of a nightmare at times. I tend to use Cupofteaching for anything longer and my Staffrm blog for those shorter pieces. Most of mine tend to be shorter, so I keep drifting towards Staffrm. Not that I blog very often. Anyway, here is the low down on my Staffrm blogging in condensed form – […]

TLAB15 ‘All in the Mind’

On Saturday 21st March, Berkhamsted School – and particularly the ever enthusiastic @nickdennis – hosted the third Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference Berkhamsted (TLAB). It was another wonderful conference with a delectable range of talent on show and I was delighted to be able to attend for a third year running. I wanted to outline a few […]


I was recently invited to a new platform called staffrm (they are also on Twitter as @staffrm), where the blog posts have a limit of 500 words. It’s great for little snapshots of good practice or reflection and is well worth having a look at. You can follow others to keep up with their posts. It’s nothing really new, but […]